Raising teens can be a challenge for any relationship or individual, no matter how strong. I am here to assure you that not only can you move through this stage in a healthy and resilient way but also that you and your partner can develop a more meaningful relationship as allies in your parenting.
I am particularly passionate about working with families with adolescents and am confident that I can be effective with your family in this area.
Acting out and behavioral problems, both at home and in school, are serious issues that can affect you and your partner, your other children and the child who is demonstrating behavioral issues. You, as a couple, may feel helpless and even rejected by this child whom you love so deeply, unable to comprehend this "new" behavior and siblings may be experiencing jealously at the attention, however negative. This is normal and expected, however, I can help you and your family:
- Identify positive methods for changing your child's behavior both at home and school
- Cope with frustrations, conflict and consequences of his or her behavior
- Learn ways to help your child manage his or her behavior
So what is happening here? Adolescent children with the behavioral problem are simply in a developmental stage in which they are trying to find their center and some children have more difficulty with this than others. While they need your guidance, they instinctively must act out (and even push you away) in order to make the coming separation more palatable for you both, to explore their own boundaries, and to be able to stand on their own. They must learn their own strengths and push through their limitations. This is human nature.
Understanding that development stage and changing your perspective to this "new" behavior is key to helping your child gain his or her center and helping them become the person you know they can be.